Gary Vee Mentorship Experience

Ashley Caron Gary Vee Sorcerer Scholarship NFT

Gary Vee Mentorship Experience Sorcerer Scholarship On July 20th 2021 Gary Vee shared a post to his Instagram stories stating that it was the last day to apply for his Sorcerer Scholarship NFT tokens.I had never heard about NFTs. I knew nothing about Gary’s VeeFriends project. But when I saw this post I knew I […]

The 3 Ps of Ending Violence Against Women in Trinidad and Tobago

End Violence Against Woman

With the recent murders of Andrea Bharatt, Ashanti Riley and others, the people of Trinidad and Tobago are finally recognizing that Violence Against Women is a serious problem that needs to be addressed more affectively. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that coordinated and sustained approach is necessary to end violence against women.  We need […]

Violence Against Women in the Indo-Trinidadian Community

Violence Against Women in the Indo-Trinidadian Community

“Why is violence against women so prevalent in the Indo-Trini community?” This was one of the questions I received after posting about the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. If I’m being really honest it’s a question I’ve often wondered about myself because gender-based violence has been a part of my life […]

10 Ways Non-Black People of Color Can Fight Racism

Fight Racism

Racism isn’t limited to white supremacy in the United States. Many countries and cultures have their own forms of colorism and anti-Blackness. And while as Non-Black People of Color we have our own pain and we’re discriminated against in different ways, it’s still vital for us to stand together to fight racism. Here Are 10 […]

Five Ways to Feel Connected While Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Human beings are social creatures.  We need connection. But during this quarantine period many of us are separated from the people and experiences that make us feel connected. In the post below I share five ways we can feel connected while practicing social distancing. These five things will never replace the value of face to […]

Ten Ways to Deal with the Anxiety Surrounding the Coronavirus Pandemic

deal with the anxiety surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic

It’s okay if you have anxiety because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. It’s okay if you’re worried about your future. It’s okay if you’re overwhelmed by everything that’s happening right now. Although the stress and anxiety you may be feeling is a perfectly valid response to this uncertain time, it can be damaging to the immune […]

The Negative Voice in Your Mind

That negative voice in your mind It’s not yours. It’s other people’s opinion of you. It’s the voices that you trusted When you weren’t in your power. That negative voice in your mind Is not evil. It’s broken It’s hurting It’s afraid. But still… That negative voice in your mind Knows nothing About the real […]

Is It Unspiritual to be Ambitious? The TRUTH About Ambition.


So many of us, myself included, feel embarrassed for having big dreams. We feel uncomfortable talking about our goals We pretend we don’t have big ambitions. All because we bought into the world’s message that too much ambition is bad. Which it can be IF we use it as an excuse to treat people badly. […]

The Problem with The Secret (and The Law of Attraction)

the secret, the law of attraction

The reason the Secret was so popular, the reason it was right is because it teaches us that our lives will only change when we recognize our personal power. But the problem with it, with the Law of Attraction, is true power embraces the complexities of being human. Doubts, fears and anxieties are a part […]

The Most Important Advice I’d Give to My Younger Self (or Anyone)

A lot of people say we shouldn’t look back in life, that we’re wasting time if we do. While we definitely don’t want to live in our past, there’s so much value in looking back. We get to see how far we’ve come, how much we’ve been through, how much we’ve learned. In the video […]